Design and implementation of an EEG system as well as a physiographer for monitoring psychological treatments within the faculty of psychology of the Antonio Nariño University headquarters Cartagena

  • Juan Vicente Cajal-Barros Universidad Antonio Nariño
Palabras clave: EEG system, Physiographer, Psychological.


The project designed and implemented was an EEG as the first part of a macro project, which allowed the integration between the different programs of ANTONIO NARIÑO University. This system is an integral part of the physiographer, conditioning circuits, filters, amplifiers, a data acquisition system and a virtual instrument were designed that capture the variables through a data acquisition card to be analyzed and visualized dynamically on a personal computer. Design and implementation process were divided into 5 modules. It will begin describing magnitudes to be measured, the sensors that will give us a better capture of our signals, the next two modules are the circuitry and the patient protection, to finish with data acquisition and the visualization in a personal computer.


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Cómo citar
Cajal-Barros, J. V. (2018). Design and implementation of an EEG system as well as a physiographer for monitoring psychological treatments within the faculty of psychology of the Antonio Nariño University headquarters Cartagena. Sostenibilidad, Tecnología Y Humanismo, 9(2), 8-16.

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